Tuesday, 9 October 2012

1. Birth: every woman has a different experience

Being pregnant is a whole new world for first time mums, and how people like to tell stories about childbirth!
I attended antenatal classes, where I learned about labor and made 6 new friends. A few months down the line and on our first reunion after our babies were born, I realized we all had different stories to tell.
I was scared but looking forward to a natural birth, but with a breech baby, low amniotic fluid and a placenta that started to not work properly, I had to do a cesarean, 2 weeks before my due date. 
One of these friends had a natural labor, without using any pain killers (brave!). Another one had gestational diabetes and had to be induced at her due date. After some contractions and not much dilation, she had to do an emergency cesarean. 
Another one went for a heartbeat check of the baby (I don't remember why), which wasn't detected, and had to do a cesarean. Everything was fine with the baby, she was just in an awkward position.
You get the point. 
No matter how many stories we listen to, we will have, each mum-to-be, our own story to tell.

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